Other than discrete resumes in the usual places, I have worked very hard to maintain my privacy by limiting my exposure to social media. Writing in public venues like this is a pretty alien concept to me and will take time for me to get used to.
Why go public now?
Recent life changes make learning to use new (to me) tools to do things I have been doing a long time, necessary. In the same way my long white (seeing eye) cane is helping me navigate the physical world, screen readers are helping me read and write using computers and mobile devices. This blog is a way for me to practice writing using a screen reader.
What’s next?
A lot of learning, practice, and exercise is in my future. Where this blog is concerned that means daily writing. To start, mostly small posts to help get used to doing things in a new (to me) way and help build the habit. After that I can more on to more substantial works…if I can be patient and maintain enough discipline anyway.